Welcome to the MARC Newsletter a publication of the Michigan Area Repeater Council. This news letter is published quarterly in conjunction with the quarterly business meetings. If you prefer a non-columnized version of this newsletter click here for the wide version. |
Please notice the instructions for the March electronic meeting. |
Presidents Update: I would like to thank the Board for stepping up and filling in for me during my absence in article writing. We now have two years under our belt holding our meetings electronically, and I am pleased to say that this format has worked out well for us. We had hope for more participation from the membership using this format, but it just has not happened. To join in on the meetings you call in on a toll free number, and you can see material submitted for review by logging in to the bridges website. Information to this is listed else where in the newsletter. I am pleased to say that I am currently working on the backlog for 2m. There are a couple of request that have been out there and are patiently waiting to hear if they can be coordinated. There will be a vote to a proposed By-Law change. The following motion was placed on the floor: The sponsor may choose another licensed amateur or amateur radio entity (such as an incorporated club) to maintain the coordination. In the case of the death of or incapacitation of the coordination holder (sponsor) who has not specified a line of succession, the coordination will be returned to the pool and recoordinated on a first come-first served bases. MARC currently has 46 repeaters that are three years or older in sending in the required TDS. The following can be found under MARC Standards, F, paragraph 1. If updates by submitting a Technical Data Sheet (from the system sponsor) are not received a minimum of once every two years the (MARC) coordinator may withdraw the Co-ordination Authorization. Notification will be sent concerning de-coordination of these repeaters. If you are a trustee, you can go to http://miarc.com/repeater_directory.html to find out the statues of you coordination. Remember, TDS’s are due yearly, but can go up to two years. Please help keep your information current in our Database. Our next electronic meeting will be conducted on March 5th, starting promptly at 1:00PM. Again, check else where in this newsletter for the procedure of participating in the meeting. If you have a question please call 586.465.7126 and leave a message concerning MARC, or contact anyone on the Board by sending email to mail@miarc.com
73, ----------------------------------------------- Database Manager's Corner
We have a number of TDS submissions that are overdue. In fact, over 22%
of the repeaters in our database have not been updated in two or more
year’s. So take a minute and check your entry in the MARC Repeater
Directory to see if it is time to update your records.
----------------------------------------------- Electronic Meeting Information: The March meeting is an Electronic Meeting! PHONE BRIDGE ONLY:
Dial In Number: 888-232-3870 WEBMEETING & Phone Bridge:
Your browser must be Microsoft™ Internet
Explorer Version 4.x, 5.x or Netscape™ Communicator Version 4.x.
Participation in the webmeeting is only needed for things like slideshow
presentations, or use of a whiteboard where someone may need to do an illistration.
It also allows us the opportunity to display the actual text of a motion for everyone
to read. If you are unable to participate in the webmeeting you may still join in
on the phone bridge from wherever you are. MARC Meeting Minutes
Date: December 4, 2010 Meeting called to order by Dennis at: 1:00 PM.
Motion to approve minutes from the March meeting was made by Phil, seconded by Ron, W8YUC,
e-vote per roll call taken, motion approved. Old business: Corwin requested that the trustee of the Semara Club contact him. Dennis stated he would contact the Semara trustee for Corwin and provide him with Corwin’s phone number. Corwin reported no info on the new committee yet (Coordinate using propagation software). New Business: Dan requested the format for the ARRL repeater directory database. Dave will continue to send ARRL the Michigan repeater database. Dan reported that Vince, a former coordinator, has some old paperwork from 1990 to 1993 and asked if MARC wants it. The consensus was that the paperwork is no longer needed and may be discarded. Dennis will send Vince the message. Dan re-introduced the discussion of making arrangements for the succession of the repeater pair coordination in the event of a repeater sponsor’s incapacitation or death. It was suggested that the TDS specify the wishes of the sponsor for the transfer of the coordination of the pair upon his or her death or incapacitation. Considerable discussion on the subject followed. The object is to allow a well-established repeater a reasonable way to maintain operation if something happens to the sponsor of the coordination. Dan mad a motion for a proposed by-law change as follows: The sponsor may choose another licensed amateur or amateur radio entity (such as an incorporated club) to maintain the coordination. In the case of the death or incapacitation of a coordination holder (sponsor) who has not specified a line of succession, the coordination will be returned to the pool and recoordinated on a first come-first served basis. Motion seconded by Fred. Call for discussion. Vote per roll call – motion passed. This proposal will be published in the March newsletter and can be voted on at the March meeting for inclusion in the bylaws.
Fred stated that he would work on coordination request from KD8KUB for
a 440 repeater. It was mentioned that the electronic meetings are working well and saving alot of time and money. (No travel) Phil reported on the status of 440 coordinations. He is working on one and waiting on information from 3 applicants, some for over a year, and has begun working on the backlog of eight 440 Dstar applications from April 2008. Phil is working with W8GDS on a coordination and is having trouble reaching him. Phil asked Dan if he would be able to contact W8GDS. He needs to move off of 442.475 in Glenwood due to interference. The location is in southwest Michigan. Dan will try to contact him. Jim will now issue the MINO numbers. Ron will send Jim what records he can for issuing MINO numbers. Ron, Marc’s former board member, will remain on the email list at this time. Ron was commended for the many years of service to MARC.Adjornment:
Motion to adjourn made by Dan, seconded by Ron at 1:55 pm, motion carried.
Share Acct Money Market Checking Beginning Balance Income Interest December 2010 Interest January 2011 Dues Total Income Expenses Replace Laptop Mouse Total Expenses Marc Funds as of 01/31/2011 Share Acct Money Market Checking Ending Balance |
$5.00 $4,678.30 $61.48 $4,744.78 $1.58 $1.79 $30.00 $31.65 $31.65 $31.65 $5.00 $4,681.67 $59.83 $4,746.50 |
March Meeting Information:
March 5 2011 |
For the Conference Bridge:
For the Web Meeting: |
MARC Officers | Appointed Positions |
President: Dennis Gaboury W8DFG | Frequency Coordinator 902MHz: & up Dan Thompson N8WKM |
Vice President: Phil Manor W8IC | Frequency Coordinator 440MHz: Currently Unassigned |
Secretary: Ann Manor KT8F | Frequency Coordinator Links & Control: Phil Manor W8IC |
Treasurer: Dave Johnson WD8DJB | Database Manager: Dave Johnson WD8DJB |
Director: Fred Moses W8FSM | Newsletter Editor: Dan Thompson N8WKM |
Director: James Kvochick WB8AZP |