Welcome to the MARC Newsletter a publication of the Michigan Area Repeater Council. This news letter is published quarterly in conjunction with the quarterly business meetings. If you prefer a columnized version of this newsletter click here for the columnized version |
Please notice the instructions for the June electronic meeting. |
President’s Update: The next MARC meeting will be held on June 12, 2021at 1:00 PM on line. Instructions to join the meeting are included in this newsletter. All interested parties are encouraged to join the meeting. Again, the call for volunteers is echoed in this column. Jobs like webmaster, Treasurer, and coordinator are all in need of some new volunteers. If you have some time to volunteer, MARC can very much put you to work. Almost all the work is done from home, on line. Some volunteers are doing several jobs which is a strain on their, what would be, spare time. Generally, one job is enough with an occasional extra project. Send an email to mail@miarc.com letting us know what area of coordination that you are interested in. Coordination applications are stacking up on me, after being almost caught up a few weeks ago. They will be processed in the order that they came in. It takes about 5 weeks per application, per band, fo r many requests, as out state clearance is usually required. Hopefully many of the delayed repeater maintenance and update jobs will be accomplished this summer as the pandemic hopefully subsides. ----------------------------------------------- Electronic Meeting Information: The June 12, meeting is an Electronic Meeting at 1:00pm! PHONE BRIDGE ONLY:
Use this ONLY if you are only using the phone. WEBMEETING & Phone Bridge:
Using your web browser
Participation in the webmeeting is only needed for things like slideshow
presentations, or use of a whiteboard where someone may need to do an illistration.
It also allows us the opportunity to display the actual text of a motion for everyone
to read. If you are unable to participate in the webmeeting you may still join in
on the phone bridge from wherever you are. Vice President Writes As I write this note for this months newsletter, I thought Winter was behind us I have caved in and turned the heat back on after running the air conditioning last week With the weather improving we hope to be able to get back to doing normal ham things like going to hamfests to find the parts that we need to work on our stations and repeaters. One such hamfest happens in West Michigan on the same day as our MARC meeting every year making it difficult for me to attend, and make the meeting on time. Nevertheless, I have it on good authority that the hamfest sponsored by the Independent Repeater Association at the Hudsonville Fairgrounds will be taking place this year. It is good to see some activity starting to make a comeback.
Please, if you find that little gem at a fleamarket and make a significant change to
your repeater, please fill out a TDS and let us know. Please keep in mind there are some
limitations to what and how much change can be made. We have neighbors and we have agreements
with them so that we can all get along. MARC Meeting Minutes
Date: March 06, 2021 Meeting called to order by Phil at 1:00 PM
Minutes of the last meeting were read by Ann.
Old Business: New Business: Resolution # 19 was due for a second vote. Resolution read by Phil, as follows: Reserve 442.125/447.125 as a SNPR pair to align Michigan with several adjoining states. Motion made by Jeff, seconded by Ann, vote taken and resolution #19 passed. Resolution to be added to the bylaws. Resolution # 3 , from September 1, 2003 was brought up for discussion. The resolution was not brought up for a second vote. Eventually, a modified version of the resolution was most likely voted on for inclusion as a bylaw change. Dan will check dates and votes and see if any further action is required by MARC. Motion tabled until the next meeting. John, KB8OIS asked some questions regarding the successor sponsor of Corwin, WB8UPM's (SK) repeater.(146.74) Jay, WB8TKL was listed as the successor sponsor on Corwin's coordination. John asked Jay if he would list The University of Michigan as the successor sponsor for the 146.740 repeater. Jay indicated that he wants to keep ARROW as his successor sponsor for his 146.740 coordination. John asked if a co-sponsor is a possibility. The MARC Board answered that only one sponsor can be the holder of a coordination. This avoids complications from disagreements between sponsor and any other involved party. Dan is working on a program for the spread sheet submissions. Progress on the spread sheet tools is proceeding but is very time consuming. There was a discussion on some of the problems in implementing the spread sheet system. Dan also made a correction to the data base for one of K8SN's repeater links. Jeff will call KB8SWR to check on the status of his spread sheet. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn made by Jim, seconded by Jeff, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1:42 PM .
The next meeting will be conducted electronically on June 12, 2021 at 1:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted, |
Treasurer's Report
Marc funds balance on 2-1-2021 was $3687.44
Respectfully Submitted, Supporting Detail
MARC Funds as of 02/01/2021 |
Savings LMCU Checking Acct LMFCU Money Market Acct LMCU Beginning Balance Income Dues Interest Total Income Expenses PayPal Fees Mailing Costs Total Expenses Net Cash Flow Marc Funds as of 03/30/2021 Share Acct LMCU Checking Acct LMCU Money Market Acct LMCU Ending Balance |
$5.00 $421.68 $3,260.76 $3,687.44 $90.00 $1.99 $91.99 $3.81 $20.75 ($24.56) $67.43 $5.00 $487.12 $3,262.75 $3,754.87 |
MARC Officers | Appointed Positions |
President: Phil Manor W8IC | Frequency Coordinator 902MHz: & up Dan Thompson N8WKM |
Vice President: Dan Thompson N8WKM | Frequency Coordinator 440MHz: Phil Manor W8IC |
Secretary: Ann Manor KT8F | Frequency Coordinator Links & Control: Phil Manor W8IC |
Treasurer: Phil Manor W8IC | Frequency Coordinator: Bob Walchli N8ZCC |
Director: Jeff Oberg KB8SXK | Database Manager: Bob Walchli N8ZCC |
Director: James Kvochick K8JK | Newsletter Editor: Dan Thompson N8WKM |
Compliance Coordinator: Bob Walchli N8ZCC |