Welcome to the MARC Newsletter a publication of the Michigan Area Repeater Council. This news letter is published quarterly in conjunction with the quarterly business meetings. If you prefer a columnized version of this newsletter click here for the columnized version. |
Please notice the instructions for the June electronic meeting. |
President’s Update: MARC is very busy as usual. You can see just how busy by checking the activity report provided by Dave, WD8DJB, our database manager on the MARC website here. Notice the de-coordinations that Bob, N8ZCC has completed. These are repeater coordination's that needed to be investigated by Bob, and in many cases a certified letter had to be sent. Please, if your repeater is off the air, turn in the pair for our coordinators to work with. It is no fun telling an applicant that there are no available pairs when there actually are repeaters that are off the air. When you have some extra time check out the entire MARC web page. There you will find out what happens as new technologies appear, such as Dstar or Fusion systems. MARC has had to adapt to the changing amateur radio demands. Changes don’t always happen super fast, but remember that they occur due to volunteers doing the research and proposing the necessary changes to the MARC bylaws. One thing that would help our volunteers in their efforts is your accuracy in submissions to MARC. Please be as accurate as possible when submitting a request for a coordination or when submitting a renewal Technical Data Sheet (TDS). It is very time consuming to have inaccurate submissions corrected manually by our volunteers. Be sure to check with your trustee if you are a member of a coordinated club repeater. Ask if the coordination is up to date. You can easily check the status of your repeater using the MARC website in the Repeater Directory. The technical people in your club need to be sure that the info in the coordination is up to date and corrected if more accurate info becomes available. 73, Phil W8IC ----------------------------------------------- Electronic Meeting Information: The June 3, meeting is an Electronic Meeting at 1:00pm! PHONE BRIDGE ONLY:
Use this ONLY if you are only using the phone. WEBMEETING & Phone Bridge:
Using your web browser
Participation in the webmeeting is only needed for things like slideshow
presentations, or use of a whiteboard where someone may need to do an illistration.
It also allows us the opportunity to display the actual text of a motion for everyone
to read. If you are unable to participate in the webmeeting you may still join in
on the phone bridge from wherever you are. ----------------------------------------------- Recent Developments In our last meeting, we discussed somewhat at length some of the things going on and our (MARC) decision to not provide repeater directory detail to RFinder. So far I have not been given audience with Bob Greenburg since our last meeting. He was at Hamvention this year, but unfortunately due to a vehicle problem I was not able to attend Sunday when I might have had a chance to talk to him. I did however get audience with another subject in this whole thing. Saturday afternoon I finally left the flea-market to take a look at the "other" part of the event. I was hoping speak with some of the ARRL officials, and to my surprise the person that I got to talk to was Tom Gallahger the current CEO of the ARRL. This chance meeting turned into a 30 minute meeting. I plan to discuss this meeting and the impression that I was left with at it's inclusion during the June meeting. My time will be somewhat limited due to family obligations that day, however this is an ongoing issue that we are going to have to settle. Hopefully this will turn into something helpful for all. Dan Thompson, N8WKM MARC Meeting Minutes
Date: March 04, 2017 Please note that though Phil was present for the meeting, Dan presided over the meeting at Phil's request. Meeting called to order by Dan at: 1:03 PM.
The minutes from the March meeting were read by Ann.
Treasurer’s report provided by Dave. Motion to accept the report made by Phil, seconded by Ann, vote taken, Treasurers report approved. Old Business:
Discussion on coordination by propagation modeling
in lieu of distance requirements. Radio Mobile is a
program that could possibly be used for this type of
coordination calculation. Dan is working with the
program and will be looking into possible use on all
repeater bands. There was also discussion regarding
using a program written by Dave Karr, KA9FUR, titled
Coordinators Tool Kit. It is currently limited to
Windows XP. Hopefully, this software will be updated
to include other operating systems.
New Business:
Phil made a motion to make 442.125 / 447.125 a SNPR pair to
be in line with several adjacent states. At present,
Michigan has no standard coordinated repeaters on this pair.
Several areas of the state would benefit from the availability
of another SNPR channel.
Bob was given the position of coordinator to replace Jim Poehlman, K8ABZ.
Discussion on the former ARRL Repeater Directory and it's
successor. The directory is presently run by a private company,“RFinder.”
The ARRL no longer produces a repeater directory, and R-Finder has been
requesting that coordination bodies send their information to them for
inclusion into their repeater directory. The ARRL never asked for
precise locations, just the city, county and state. MARC has always
kept the location of a repeater private. Rfinder is asking for more
precise locations of repeaters. Hopefully in the future, MARC will
be able to send Rfinder the equivalent information that was previously
sent to the ARRL. Dan will be contacting Bob Greenburg, 516-807-0697,
and checking on the requirements and any possible leeway. MARC may be
asking repeater owners/Trustees, as an option, if they want their
accurate location data ( latitude and longitude ) provided to Rfinder.
There is also the question of income to MARC for providing this data.
The data provided to the ARRL in the past did provide some income
to MARC. Other considerations include the fact that MARC has not
been provided a contract that lays out the use of the data and
time limits, as well as the possibility of making additions and
deletions to this new directory. This was done by bulk database
download with the ARRL once a year. It was mentioned that an adjoining state meeting would be scheduled in 2017. Discussion regarding MARC coordinators making updates in the MARC database. This change might hopefully take some of the work load off Dave, our database manager. Work on this is ongoing. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn made by Phil, seconded by Jeff, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:36 PM.
Note: The next meeting will be conducted electronically on Saturday, June 4th at 1:00 PM.
Treasurer's Report
MARC Funds balance on 02/28/2017 was $ 4,904.85
Respectfully Submitted, Supporting Detail MARC Funds as of 02/28/2017 |
Share Acct LMCU Checking LMFCU Money Market LMCU Beginning Balance Income Dues Interest Mar, Apr & May. Total Income Expenses PayPal Fees Postage Total Expenses Marc Funds as of 05/31/2017 Share Acct LMCU Checking LMCU Money Market LMCU Ending Balance |
$5.00 $194.98 $4,704.87 $4,904.85 $10.00 $2.97 $12.97 $0.59 $65.90 ($66.49) $5.00 $138.49 $4,704.84 $4,851.33 |
MARC Officers | Appointed Positions |
President: Phil Manor W8IC | Frequency Coordinator 902MHz: & up Dan Thompson N8WKM |
Vice President: Dan Thompson N8WKM | Frequency Coordinator 440MHz: Phil Manor W8IC |
Secretary: Ann Manor KT8F | Frequency Coordinator Links & Control: Phil Manor W8IC |
Treasurer: Dave Johnson WD8DJB | Frequency Coordinator: Bob Walchli N8ZCC |
Director: Jeff Oberg KB8SXK | Database Manager: Dave Johnson WD8DJB |
Director: James Kvochick K8JK | Newsletter Editor: Dan Thompson N8WKM |