Presidents Update..
As published in our last newsletter a vote was supposed to be taken at our March meeting to
incorporate Resolutions 6 & 7 into the By-Laws. Phil Manor, the author of the resolutions,
was not present at the March meeting and with making these two resolutions
part of the By-Laws some questions were brought up concerning the language of the
resolutions. The resolutions were tabled until the June meeting.
Since these two resolutions will impact the west side of the state, the Board
decided to hold June.s meeting at the IRA Hamfest in Hudsonville on June 7th.
A Nomination Committee will be formed at the next meeting for the
upcoming election in September for the office of President, Secretary,
and Director. If you are interested to be on this committee, please
let us know before or at the meeting.
Remember, TDS.s are due yearly, but can go up to two years. Please help
keep your information current in our Database. Some TDS.s, in our database
go back to 2005. We will be sending out letters to those Trustee.s to
update their information, otherwise they will be de-coordinated and the
pairs will be put back into the pool.
If anyone has any questions, you can reach the Board via of the website, or my
phone number is 586-465-7126.
Dennis, W8DFG
Database Managers Corner:
I've been a bit behind in processing renewal TDS forms lately
due to other commitments, but I should be caught up shortly.
We have a number of TDS forms that are overdue. So take a
minute and check your entry in the MARC Repeater Directory to
see if it is time to update your records.
Dave Johnson, WD8DJB
A note from the Editor:
With the MARC meeting taking place at the Hamfest, we hope that
many people will participate. Even if you don't participate in the
MARC meeting, there will be a forum at the Hamfest on the subject
of DStar. Please take this opportunity to learn about this mode
of communication. This will help you to understand what the MARC
board is up against as we try to fit this relatively new mode into
already crowded bands.
Dan Thompson, N8WKM
MARC Meeting Minutes
Date: March 1, 2008
Place: Delta Twp Fire Dept
President: Dennis Gaboury, W8DFG
Vice President: Jim Maike, KB8IFE
Secretary: Ann Manor, KT8F
Treasurer: Dave Johnson, WD8DJB
Director: Ron Gordon, W8YUC
Director: Jim Kvochick, WB8AZP
Coordinator: Dan Thompson, N8WKM
Coordinator: Jim Maike, KB8IFE
Coordinator: Phil Manor, W8IC
Database Manager: Dave Johnson, WD8DJB
Absent: Phil Manor, W8ICE
Ann Manor, KT8F
No other members or guests were present.
Meeting called to order by the President at: 1:00 PM
Since no other members were present a motion was made by Jim, KB8IFE
to approve the minutes from the previous meeting as printed in the
newsletter. Seconded by Ron, Motion carried.
Treasurer.s report given by Dave. Motion to accept report made by Dan,
seconded by Jim, WB8AZP, and motion carried.
Old Business:
Dennis stated that the Annual Report for Non-Profit Corporations for
2006 and 2007 had been filed. Dennis asked that a motion be placed on
the table to reimburse him the $40.00 fee that he paid for the two filings.
Dan placed the motion on the floor; Dave seconded the motion, seconded
by Jim KB8IFE. No discussion followed. Motion carried.
As printed in the previous newsletter a vote was supposed to be held for
making Resolutions 6 & 7 of the D.O.G. part of our Standards & Procedures
because the time allotted under the D.O.G. was running out of time. After
some discussion of the two resolutions was tabled do to the fact that the
author was not present at the meeting and the language was not clear. It
was necessary to have Phil present with making this permanent.
New Business:
With tabling the vote, the Board thought that these two resolutions would
affect the west side of the state the most. So with this in mind it was
decided to get a hold of Abe and move the June meeting from Delta Twp Fire
Hall to the IRA Hamfest on June 7th.
With no further new business Dan made a motion, seconded by Jim WB8AZP to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting closed at 1:54 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Denis Gaboury