
December 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the MARC Newsletter a publication of the Michigan Area Repeater Council. This news letter is published quarterly in conjunction with the quarterly business meetings. If you prefer the columnized version of this newsletter click here for the standard version.

Please notice the instructions for the December electronic meeting.

President’s Update:

Winter is upon us. Hopefully all of your outside projects are finished so that you can enjoy some time in your shack with your radios, thinking up new projects for next summer.

I would like to Thank Phil Á Ann for there many years of service to MARC. Hopefully they will enjoy their additional time with family and friends.

Our new Volunteers and newly elected officers are well on their way to meeting the new tasks that come to us. It isn't always as easy as it looks, but they are the new ideas and fresh ways of getting the job done. '

Speaking of new ideas, MARC has been meeting with some fellow coordinators and looking into the possibility of redesigning how New applications and updates are processed. Come and join us at the meeting on December 7th at 1pm to join in the discussion.

73, Dan N8WKM


Electronic Meeting Information:

The June 8, meeting is an Electronic Meeting at 1:00pm!


Use this ONLY if you are only using the phone.
Dial In Number:    712-770-4819
Access Code:      384775#
   1. Dial into bridge using Dial In Number
   2. Enter Event ID
   3. If the meeting organizer is already present,
        you'll be connected. If not, you'll be
        placed on hold until the organizer appears.

WEBMEETING & Phone Bridge:

Using your web browser

   1. Activate your Web Browser
   2. Go To
   3. Enter your name and email address
   4. Click the phone icon, you will have a choice to
        select using a telephone or your computer for
        audio if you have speakers and mic.
   5. If you select computer you should connect.
   6. If selecting telephone you will be presented with a number
        to dial and an access code.
   7. When prompted enter the access code followed by the # symbol.
   8. Once the audio connects you will need to press # once again
        and enter the synch code followed by the # symbol.
   9. You should now be connected.

Participation in the web-meeting is only needed for things like slideshow presentations, or use of a whiteboard where someone may need to do an illustration. It also allows us the opportunity to display the actual text of a motion for everyone to read. If you are unable to participate in the web-meeting you may still join in on the phone bridge from wherever you are.

MARC Meeting Minutes

Date: March 10, 2024
This meeting took place via internet and phone connection.


President: Dan Thompson, N8WKM
Vice President: Keith Armitage, KD8ZSK
Secretary: Ann Manor, KT8F
Treasurer: Roy Watts W8ROY
Director: Jim Kvochick, K8JK
*Director: Jeff Oberg, KB8SXK
Coordinator: Dan Thompson, N8WKM
Coordinator: Phil Manor, W8IC
Coordinator: Jon Blome, NX0H
Database Manager: Joe,Erlewien, N8CN
Newsletter Editor: Dan Thompson, N8WKM
Statistical Researcher: Keith KD8ZSK
Volunteer: Cliff Bills, AK9TX
Consultant: Dave Johnson, WD8DJB

Absent: Indicated by * above
Visitors: Tony Griffen, KE8NSU

Note: call signs of board members are not repeated in the minutes as they are listed above.

Meeting called to order by Dan at 1:00 PM

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Ann. Motion to approve minutes from the last
meeting was made by Keith, seconded by Phil, vote taken, Motion Carried minutes approved.

Treasurer's report provided by Dan. Motion to approve the report was made by Keith. Phil moved to ammend the motion to table the Treasurer's report until the next meeting so that the report can be corrected and completed for the December newsleter. Seconded by Ann, vote taken, Motion passed.

Old Business:

Elections – Nominations - Voting
Keith acting as President Pro-Tem as Dan was up for Re-election. President, Director and Secretary are up for election. The floor was opened for nominations. Dan nominated Roy, W8ROY for Secretary. Roy accepted the nomination for Secretary. No other nominations. Dan nominated Tony, KE8NSU for the Director position. Tony accepted the nomination. No other nominations for Director. Dan is the current President and has agreed to run again for the position. No other nominations for the President position were offered. Results of election: Two year term: President: Dan, N8WKM
Secretary: Roy, W8ROY
Director: Tony, KE8NSU
Dan returned to presiding over the meeting.

Dan opened a discussion regarding the offer by the Colorado Coordinators to have MARC adopt their system in Michigan. Following a lengthy conversation, it was decided to continue looking into this offer. Jon is going to try and set up a meeting, on line, with the Colorado Coordinators, for September 16 at 8 PM. Please send any questions that you would like answered at the meeting to Jon by Wednesday, September 11. Jon will forward these to the Colorado Coordinators where they can prepare to provide the answers without delay.

New Business:

Phil Reported on the 2 meter coordinations. At this time, the 2 meter applications are all caught up with no new ones to process. There are also none on Phil's personal waiting list.

Jon reported on the 440 band coordinations. He has one new request, is working on a couple more, and is following up on some provisional coordinations.

Joe has one renewal he is working on at this time and a new one in line.


Motion to adjpourn made by Keith, seconded by Phil, meeting closed at 2:33 PM.
The next meeting will be held electronically on December 7, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Manor, KT8F, Recording Secretary

Treasurer's Report
For the Period: 08/01/2024 - 10/31/2024

Marc funds balance on Oct 31, 2024 $3785.84
Income for the period: $26.58 from dues and interest.
Expenses for the period: $401.81

MARC funds balance on October31, 2024 was $3785.84

Respectfully Submitted,
Roy Watts, W8ROY
MARC Treasurer

Supporting Detail

MARC Funds as of 08/01/2024

   Savings LMCU
   Checking Acct LMFCU
   Money Market Acct LMCU

Beginning Balance


Total Income

   State of MI
   GoDaddy Domain Registration
   Site 5 Web Hosting

Total Expenses

Net Change

Marc Funds as of 1/31/2024

   Share Acct LMCU
   Checking Acct LMCU
   Money Market Acct LMCU

Ending Balance
Net Change


$ 8.26







MARC Officers Appointed Positions
President:               Dan Thompson N8WKM Frequency Coordinator 902MHz: & up          Dan Thompson N8WKM
Vice President:        Keith Armitage KD8ZSK Frequency Coordinator 440MHz:                 Jon Blome NX0H
Secretary:              Roy Watts W8ROY Frequency Coordinator Links & Control:       Jon Blome NX0H
Treasurer:              Roy Watts W8ROY Frequency Coordinator:                              Jon Blome NXOH
Director:                Tony Griffen, KE8NSU Database Manager:                                    Joe Erlewien N8CN
Director:                James Kvochick K8JK Newsletter Editor:                                       Dan Thompson N8WKM
Webmaster:            Open Compliance Coordinator:                              Volunteer in training

All MARC Officers receive email using their