Michigan Area
Repeater Council September 8, 2007
Place: Lansing, Delta Twp Fire Dept.
President: Dennis Gaboury, W8DFG
Vice President: Jim Maike, KB8IFE
Secretary: Ann Manor, KT8F
Treasurer: Dave Johnson, WD8DJB
Director: Ron Gordon, W8YUC
Director: Jim Kvochick, WB8AZP
Coordinator: Dan Thompson, N8WKM
Coordinator: Phil Manor, W8IC
Database Manager: Dave Johnson, WD8DJB
Newsletter Editor: Dan Thompson, N8WKM
Absent: none
One visitor present.
Meeting called to order by the
President at: 1:00 PM
Motion to accept the minutes as
printed in the newsletter made by Ron,W8YUC,
supported by Phil, W8IC, motion carried.
Treasurer’s report provided by
Dave Johnson, WD8DJB. Motion to accept
the report made by Jim, KB8IFE, supported by Ron, W8YUC, motion carried.
Old business: none
New business:
Dennis, W8DFG, requested that a
motion be made to postpone the passing of the bylaw changes and the elections
to the December meeting. Motion made by
Dan, seconded by Jim WB8AZP, motion passed
Phil made a motion proposing a
change to the DOG, Resolution # 11 as follows:
additional splinter frequencies may be used if approved by the
board. The board can permit the
additional frequencies by using email messages. A majority of the board must approve. Motion seconded by Dave,
discussion followed. Vote taken and
Phil brought a question about an
NFCC request: he discussed the NFCC
request that a vote be taken by its members. The question was whether the NFCC
should send a letter to the FCC asking them to classify digital voice repeaters
as repeaters the same as regular voice repeaters. The NFCC will then draft a letter to present the results to the
FCC if the vote passes.
At the meeting it was thought
that we had 4 votes, however the NFCC was contacted and Michigan has 5
Jim WB8AZP move that we cast our
votes in support of classifying the D-Star systems as repeaters, letter to be
sent from the NFCC to the FCC if it passes.
Jim KB8IFE seconded.
Discussion. Motion amended by
Dan and seconded by Ann, to state that Phil will cast the votes for MARC in
favor classifying the D-star system as repeaters, discussion, vote taken,
motion passed.
Dave made a motion that we
upgrade the MARC laptop memory to 2 gig.
The amount is not to exceed
$250.00. Seconded by Jim WB8AZP. Discussion, vote taken, motion passed.
Dennis will check on the annual
fee to the state for MARC.
Phil had questions for
discussion as follows: What to do if a
repeater is moved more than 5 miles?
(It must be re-coordinated).
What if there is a waiting list?
(Must wait until their spot on the list comes up). Do you lose your coordination? (Yes, if the new position cannot be
re-coordinated). General consensus was
that their coordination must wait until the bottom of the waiting list,
however, their existing coordination will be held in position until their spot
on the waiting list comes up. The coordinator will then attempt to
re-coordinate the moved repeater.
Next meeting will be held at
Delta Twp. Fire Dept. (Lansing) –
December 1, 2007.
Motion to adjourn the meeting
made by Dan and 2nd by Ron, motion carried.
Time: 1:53 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Manor, KT8F