Michigan Area Repeater Council
Meeting Minutes  

March 3, 2007








Date:  3/3/07


Meeting Place:  Elk’s Club, Midland  MI


Absent:  Ann Manor KT8F, Phil Manor W8IC


Meeting called to order by the President at:  1:00 PM


Since only the officers were present at this meeting the Minutes from previous meeting where not read. Motion to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter made by Dan, N8WKM and 2nd by Jim, KB8IFE, motion carried.


Treasurer’s report provided by Dave Johnson, WD8DJB.  Motion to accept the report made by Dan, N8WKM and supported by Jim, KB8IFE, motion carried.


There was no correspondence.


Old business:


Ron, W8YUC inquired about K8COP’s request to move the Muskegon repeater. Dennis stated that he was having Jim, K8COP send in a revised TDS stating what type of antenna they where going to use. A copy of the propagation study was given to him. The Muskegon group could use either an omni at 200’ or a directional with a null to the south at 300’


Resolution #11 was brought back to the table by Phil, W8IC via of e-mail, that we look at the frequencies we picked for D-Star. After much discussion the Board amended Resolution #11 as follows with Jim, KB8IFE making the motion and  Jim, WB8AZP seconding the motion to add ten frequencies as primary channels for output, and to change the adjacent channel analog repeaters to 20 miles. Motion passed 5-1


Resolution #11 2 December 2006  as Amended 3 March 2007


That we begin allowing provisional coordination of Digital voice/data repeaters using the D-Star format. These provisional coordination’s will be placed into the current analog repeater sub-band on channels between existing analog repeaters. For the purpose of the DOG the channels that will be used for experimentation will be:




145.480, 145.460, 145.440, 145.420, 145.400,

145.380, 145.360, 145.340, 145.320, 145.300,

147.010, 147.030, 147.050, 147.070, 147.090




444.0125, 444.0375, 444.0625, 444.0875, 444.1125


Repeater separation standards will be a minimum of 70 miles between co-channel repeaters. Adjacent channel spacing between digital repeaters will be left to experimentation, however spacing to adjacent channel analog repeaters will be no less than 20 miles. Repeaters that are offered this provisional coordination may have those coordination’s changed as needed for the purpose of experimentation as we continue to learn about how the Digital Voice format will affect amateur repeater operation. Each person who is offered this provisional coordination will acknowledge that this provisional coordination does not offer protection under the DOG and that they are responsible to work to alleviate any and all interference complaints proven to be a result of the operation of the digital repeater. Each person will also acknowledge an understanding of the DOG as outlined by MARC By-Laws. Discussion followed, the motion passed.


Dan also suggested that we go back to check the dates on the existing resolutions so that they do not expire with out action being taken on them.


Ron W8YUC brought back on to the table from last month his proposal that Board members be exempt from paying dues. It was pointed out this would take a By-Laws change. Discussion followed and proposed change was approved to bring to the floor at the June meeting.


ARTICLE II - Membership and Dues


F. While in office a voting member of the Board will be exempt from paying annual dues during their term in office.


New business:


Dennis stated that following the June meeting that will be held at the Hudsonville Swap, all future meetings were going to be held at the Delta Twp. Fire Hall in the Lansing area.


Jim, KB8IFE brought up the subject of  "paper repeaters". He would like to make an attempt to track them down. Asked that anyone with knowledge of a repeater in his or her area that is not on the air, notify him at KB8IFE@miarc.com  so that he could check it out.


The cost of printing the newsletter was discussed. With the printing of the June and September newsletter MARC in the future will publish only a September newsletter to coincide with our Annual Meeting. All other quarterly newsletters will be published electronically.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Ron, W8YUC and 2nd by Jim, WB8AZP


Time 2:15 PM


Respectfully submitted,


Dennis W8DFG

As per tape recording