Michigan Area Repeater Council June 3, 2006
Ron Gordon W8YUC.
Meeting called to order at 1:00PM
Minutes from previous meeting read by Ann,
KT8F. Motion to accept the minutes as
printed in the newsletter made by Jim, KB8IFE and 2nd by Dave WD8DJB, motion
Treasurer’s report provided by Dave. Motion to accept the report made by Jim,
KB8IFE and 2nd by Ann, motion carried.
Dennis, W8DFG provided an update on
repeater co-ordinations.
Phil, W8IC made a motion to add resolution
#9 under the DOG.
shall require not less 100 miles separation between co-channel repeaters that
cross state lines. This does not
include Canada or Upper Michigan. This
distance has been used between Michigan and adjoining states successfully for
many years per a “Gentleman’s agreement” which was associated with MAC, the
Midwest Affiliated Coordination Council.”
2nd by Jim, KB8IFE, discussion followed, motion carried.
Dennis – a nomination committee should be
formed for the upcoming elections. The
committee shall consist of the non-running officers: VP, Treasurer, and Director.
stated that we need to clarify the description of the coordinator. He then read from MARC bylaws article #3
paragraph B-7 regarding coordinator(s) from the bylaws.
Phil made a motion to change the bylaws as
follows: that the following line should be struck from B-7 in the bylaws. “If four (coordinators) are appointed, one
shall be responsible for coordination activities regarding two meters and down
and the other shall be responsible for coordination activities above two meters
in the ARS allocated frequencies.” This
will provide more flexibility for our
coordinators. Seconded by Jim, KB8IFE, discussion followed, motion
carried. This matter will be brought
to the membership for a vote after the proposed change has been published in
the newsletter.
Dennis and Jim, KB8IFE performed an audit
today, and all was in order.
Upcoming meetings: Delta Fire Dept in Lansing has been secured
for the September 9 meeting (on Saturday).
December meeting will be held December 2 (Saturday) at the Lapeer Elk’s
Dennis stated pictures should be taken of
the officers and posted on the website.
As of today, Jim, KB8IFE has volunteered
to help coordinate the backlog of repeater applications on the 440 band. Phil will continue to handle the out-of-state requests and links
on the 440 band.
Jim, WB8AZP will notify the NFCC regarding
who they should send their email notifications to: the President, Dennis,
W8DFG; Database Manager, Dave, WD8DJB; Phil, W8IC, and Dan, N8WKM.
Phil made a motion to place DOG resolution
#10 as follows: Proposal to allow One
Way Links to be coordinated North and East of the “A” line in the 430.525 to
430.975 frequency range. The links will
be limited to the area East of 84 degrees longitude. Supported by Jim, WB8AZP, discussion, motion carried.
Jim, WB8AZP reported on the new D-star
digital voice, digital data radios and repeaters. They will require 3 frequencies for coordination. Digital and analog cannot share the same frequencies. As these become more prolific, this will
create some challenges in coordination. The Board is looking at the Band
Plan. Currently one request for
coordination of a digital repeater has been submitted.
Deadline for getting the newsletters out
is the end of July.
Phil made a motion to amend the bylaws as
Under MARC standards Article I paragraph
F-1: If updates by submitting a Technical Data Sheet (from the system sponsor)
are not received a minimum of once every two years the (MARC) coordinator may
withdraw the Co-ordination Authorization.
Under MARC procedures, Article 3,
paragraph B: Technical Data Sheet. It is the responsibility of the repeater
trustee to examine and edit as necessary the Technical Data Sheet (TDS) to reflect
the operating parameters of the repeater system. Failure to file the TDS by it’s due date may result in an
incorrect or omitted entry in the ARRL repeater directory. Failure to file a TDS for two consecutive
years may result in the loss of co-ordination.
The loss of co-ordination will be preceded by a certified letter of
intent to revoke the repeater’s co-ordination.
A 30-day response period will be allowed. The frequency pair thereafter may then be made available for
other co-ordination. 2nd by Jim,
KB8IFE: Discussion followed. Vote taken, motion passed. This matter will be brought to the
membership for a vote after the proposed change has been published in the
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Jim,
WB8IFE and 2nd by Phil. Motion
carried. Time 3:10 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Manor, KT8F